A Gorilla Tale

Tiger made a video clip (just before he clocked age 14) with some help from his dad and younger sibling.

It can be viewed via this YouTube link: https://youtu.be/tOL4JHCUNvc or simply click HERE to go straight to it.

Really proud of him as he struggled (still, to some extent, struggles) with speech.

Mad about Sound

If the genie were to visit tonight, I would ask for something to enable me have an intelligent and interesting conversation with my 10 year-old Lyon on sound technology. It’s his overriding passion. He spends hours studying the vibrations from his speakers and sourcing music off the web. He requests speakers as birthday and Christmas presents. I watch as he gets animated when he talks about decibels, waves and woofers..when he introduces friends and family members to his gadgets and sound room. I watch as he shrugs knowingly when they get bored and move on. Yes, I will love to share his passion…. But perhaps, it’s best he realises that not everyone will think his interest worth sharing…

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