A Gorilla Tale

Tiger made a video clip (just before he clocked age 14) with some help from his dad and younger sibling.

It can be viewed via this YouTube link: https://youtu.be/tOL4JHCUNvc or simply click HERE to go straight to it.

Really proud of him as he struggled (still, to some extent, struggles) with speech.

Coding, Exhibition and a Theatre

Home Education is a beautiful thing. We are off to the Science Museum later in order to do some coding, check out the Cosmonauts Exhibition, and interact with the Legend of Apollo. These activities are either free or hugely discounted. Why? Because home educating families get the same access rates as schools.

I am most keen on the Cosmonauts, whilst the kids are looking forward to coding up the little robot and reacquainting themselves with the big floor fan in one of the museum’s learning rooms.

For educational use, the following extract on the code builder is from the museum’s blog.


The tinkering workshop, Code Builder, aims to build on the huge potential of computers.

After an introduction, the group is set a task to use basic coding language to devise and input procedures into an online programme, test, rework them and see live results. These results come in the form of a small robot, Robotiky, which is programmed using bespoke online software.

Coded instructions are written and simulated on screen, and then sent to the robot via a USB connection, allowing the students to see their code in action. The session encourages the development of logic and computational thinking skills, through trial and error, as well as exploring the interaction between hardware, robot, software and computer programme.

Right, better go get ready.


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